Епархија новограчаничко - средњезападноамеричка СПЦ


Никола Вучевић ће одржати предавање о вери и кошарци у храму Светог Стефана Дечанског

Са благословом Његовог Високопреосвештенства, Архиепископа новограчаничко-чикашког и Митрополита средњезападноамеричког, г. Лонгина, са радошћу најављујемо да ће Никола Вучевић, професионални кошаркаш Чикаго Булса, одржати едукативно предавање за омладину и целу заједницу.

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Monastery of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God – New Gracanica Serbian Orthodox Diocese of New Gracanica – Midwestern America

The Church

In 1984, New Gracanica Church and the main building on the ground, dedicated to the feast of the “Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God”, were completed and consecrated. It is an impressive architectural replica of the old Gracanica of Kosovo, but eighteen percent larger than the one built in 1321 in Serbia…

Youth Department: Upcoming Events

New Gracanica Department of Education


Welcome to the Joe Buley Memorial Library at the New Gracanica Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Third Lake, Illinois. Please feel free to visit us, whether you are looking for particular items in our collection or just browsing. The library and staff are here to serve you. We have at present approximately 8000 catalogued books, besides periodicals and other holdings.
The main purpose of our library collection is to promote the study of Serbian culture and history, an express wish of our founder, Mr. Joe Buley. You will find the largest collection of materials, both in English and Serbian languages