

Joe Buley Memorial Library at the New Gracanica Monastery

Who we are

Welcome to the Joe Buley Memorial Library at the New Gracanica Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Third Lake, Illinois. Please feel free to visit us, whether you are looking for particular items in our collection or just browsing. The library and staff are here to serve you. We have at present approximately 8000 catalogued books, besides periodicals and other holdings.
The main purpose of our library collection is to promote the study of Serbian culture and history, an express wish of our founder, Mr. Joe Buley. You will find the largest collection of materials, both in English and Serbian languages

Who can use the library?

We welcome all people to our library, children and teens as well as adults. Our primary community of users is the Serbian community of the Chicago and Milwaukee area. In addition to the large amount pf material related to the Serbian studies, we include many items in English that are helpful for learning the English language such as fiction and introductory books on a variety of subjects. There are also many books concerning the study of the Holy Scripture. We hope Orthodox clergy will find these helpful for their ministry of preaching.

How we organize our collection

The Joe Buley Memorial Library follows the Library of Congress Classification System. This system is basically as follows:

  • A – Encyclopedias
  • B – Philosophy
  • BR – Psychology
  • BL – World Religions
  • BM – Judaism
  • BR – Church History
  • BS – Biblical Studies
  • BT – Christian Theology, Christology
  • BX – Church History, Orthodoxy and Liturgy
  • BV – Christian Devotion, Practical Theology, Preaching
  • D – Basic European History, including the two World Wars
  • DF – Byzantine Studies
  • DR – Serbian History, Balkans
  • E & F – American Studies
  • H – K – Social Studies
  • L – Education
  • N – Art, including Byzantine art and Icons
  • P – Literature, including Serbian and English literature
  • Q – T – Science and its practical applications
  • U – V – Military History

In addition, we use the designation FIC for the Fiction collection, filed alphabetically by author and JUV (juvenile) for younger readers.

Circulation of Library Materials

Everyone is free to use the library for reference purposes. If you wish to borrow materials, you can do so if you provide suitable identification, including current address, to the library staff. Periodicals and journals as well as certain reference or rare books do not circulate. These items are marked.
The normal loan period is one month, with renewals as long as the item is not requested by another borrower. Interlibrary Loan, the borrowing of items from other libraries can be arranged by request. Library Programs From time to time the Joe Buley Memorial Library will sponsor special events, lectures and activities related to Serbian studies. These will be open to the public and will be advertised.

Rare Book Collection

The Joe Buley Library is glad to present a collection of rare books and manuscripts. There are approximately 500 books in this collection at this point. To see the list of these books, please click on the link on the right, above the pictures.

Library Staff

  • Nicholas Groves, M.A.L.S.; PhD – Librarian
  • Marko Kapetanov – Assistant Librarian

We look forward to welcoming you to the Joe Buley Memorial Library.